How Do I Get Rid of Spots on My Contact Lenses?

Maintenance is an important part of wearing contact lenses. If reusable lenses aren’t properly maintained, deposits can build up and both obstruct vision and cause irritation or even worse, infection. So what can be done about them?

How Do I Get Rid of Spots on My Contact Lenses? in PRIMARYCITY

Spots on Contact Lenses?

Sometimes, spots can become visible on your contact lenses, and both interfere with vision as well as cause discomfort. They are generally caused by an environmental factor, and may be due, at least in part, to improper maintenance of extended use contact lenses. Always follow the instructions given to you by your optometrist for maintenance of your contact lenses. As a general rule contact lenses should be cleaned daily using a cleaning solution or following a night time soak in hydroxide solution. Gently rub your lenses without using your nails to remove spots. 

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Are spots or build-up on your lenses dangerous?

It is extremely important to remove contact lens spots or build-up, however with the right maintenance this is normally very simple to do.  The reason why most optometrists take their time to explain proper contact lens care is because without removing the deposits on your lenses your eyes and vision can be affected.  Deposits can cause papillary conjunctivitis, punctate keratitis, corneal inflammatory, and microbial keratitis. 

What are signs that I have build-up on my contacts?

Discomfort: You may experience discomfort from your lenses especially when you blink

Poor Vision: As your contacts with build-up are worn you may experience that your vision gradually reduces especially later on in the day. 

Visual Inspection: At the end of the day check your lenses and you may notice spots, debris, or film on the surface of your contacts.

Types of Spots on Contact Lenses

Types of Spots on Contact Lenses

There are a couple different types of spots you may see on your lenses, and their color can indicate the source.

Lens Calculi

Lens calculi, also known as jelly bumps or mulberry spots, are raised bumps on the front of the lenses. They are made of lipid, protein, and calcium, and most of the time are a result of improper lens care. In addition to impacting vision, these bumps can interfere with lens positioning, as the bumps can get stuck on the upper eyelid.

Jelly bumps are more common on high water content lenses and extended use lenses. Lens Calculi is rarely seen in contacts replaced more often than once per month. Patients with dry eye, and those with high protein, fat, and alcohol intakes are more prone to this as well.

Common Questions

This is determined on a case by case basis. There is no one lens that fits the best on every patient. The curvature of patients’ eyes vary, so some lenses that may fit perfectly on one person can be too tight or too loose on another patient. Also, if someone has a very high astigmatism or an eye condition called keratoconus the best type of contact lens for them would be a hard lens, such as a rigid gas permeable lens or scleral lens, whereas for another patient a daily disposable soft contact lens may be best. Thus, be sure to get a proper contact lens evaluation by your eye doctor to determine what is the best type of contact lens for you specifically.
How Do I Get Rid of Spots on My Contact Lenses?


There is a chance that, at some point, you will notice spots on your contact lenses. Much of the time, they can be cleaned off, but if deposits have built up enough to cause stains or build-up that can not be removed with cleaning and gentle rubbing, the lenses will need to be replaced. It is very important to properly clean, gently rub, and disinfect extended use lenses to prevent buildups that can impact your vision, or cause discomfort and infection.

If you have any additional questions, or would like to schedule an appointment for an eye exam or contact lens fitting, you can contact PRACTICENAME at 111-222-3333. Patients who need medically necessary contact lenses, myopia management, or have difficulties wearing contact lenses visit our clinic from all over STATE, and we are proud to be a leading provider of contact lens services for patients from CITY, SECONDARY1, SECONDARY2, and SECONDARY3.



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