Can You Get Dry Eyes From Using A Computer Or Watching TV?

Too much time in front of a screen can lead to dry eye. What can you do to avoid this, or treat the problem?

Can You Get Dry Eyes From Using A Computer Or Watching TV? in PRIMARYCITY

Amplify Eyecare Generic

Screens, and Your Eyes

Dry eye is an uncomfortable condition which can be caused by a wide variety of things, including the environment, nutritional deficiencies, other medical conditions, medications, and more. But what about too much time in front of a screen?

Why Screens Can Cause Dry Eye

Why Screens Can Cause Dry Eye

The main way in which excessive screen use causes dry eye is because when we stare at screens, we unconsciously change how we blink. Blinking is important because each time we blink, the eyelids spread a fresh layer of tears over the surface of the eyes, keeping them moist.

While staring at screens, however, most people do not blink normally. Specifically, while looking at screens we tend to both blink less and blink incompletely (with the eyelids not closer complete). With fewer blinks (about half of the normal rate of 10 to 15 times a minute), many of which may be incomplete, the eye doesn’t receive enough moisture to keep it properly lubricated. When this happens, the eye becomes drier than it should be, and dry eye symptoms can result.

Common Questions

Some symptoms of dry eyes are that your eyes may feel gritty, irritated, scratchy, foreign body sensation, burning, excessive watering/tearing, redness, or you may experience light sensitivity. Other symptoms may include blurry vision; you may notice you find yourself blinking more frequently in order for your vision to get cleared up, after going in and out of focus, due to an unstable ocular surface.
You may have watery eyes because your eyes are actually dry. When you have dry eyes this sends out a signal to your lacrimal gland to produce more tears, but then this results in an overproduction of tears causing tearing/watery eyes. The overproduction of tears is called reflex tearing. Your body is trying to counteract your dry eyes, so it then starts to produce more tears, but then it ends up flooding your eyes with too much tears, resulting in a vicious cycle of dry and then teary eyes. To stop your eyes from watering all the time, it’s important to deal with the root of the cause of the tearing, which is your dry eyes, to stop this sequence of events from happening. But it’s important to also note that watery eyes can be caused by other eye conditions as well, such as allergies, eyelid inflammation, blocked tear ducts, outwardly turned eyelids etc, so be sure to get a thorough evaluation by your eye doctor to determine the proper diagnosis and treatment.
Can You Get Dry Eyes From Using A Computer Or Watching TV?


These days, we all spend more time in front of screens than we used to, and so, dry eye resulting from too much time in front of them is getting more common. Fortunately, in most cases it can be relatively simple to take care of, though in more severe cases you will want to see a doctor. If you have additional questions, or wish to schedule a consultation, you can contact PRACTICENAME at 111-222-3333. Patients with dry eyes visit our clinic from all over STATE, and we are proud to be a leading provider of dry eye care for patients from CITY, SECONDARY1, SECONDARY2, and SECONDARY3.

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