Evidence-Based Research of Vision Therapy

A large body of scientific and clinical evidence has demonstrated vision therapy to be an effective treatment for a broad range of functional vision issues. 


Evidence-Based Research of Vision Therapy in PRIMARYCITY

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Vision Therapy may be new to some but it has been around for well over a century. It was designed years ago as a non-surgical alternative to various ophthalmological treatments, and has developed into an effective way to address cognitive, motor, and neurological deficits as well. As vision therapy has developed over the years, it has gifted the young and old alike, the ability to interact in more positive, efficient, and meaningful ways within their environment.

Neuroplasticity and the Brain

Neuroplasticity and the Brain

The brain’s ability to create new pathways as well as change existing ones, is known as neuroplasticity, and is what makes vision therapy such a powerful intervention. By training the brain to make adjustments to its cortical organization, the physiological changes needed to make lasting changes is made possible. A properly designed vision therapy program can establish neurological changes that improve persistent visual difficulties and enhance overall visual  performance.

Common Questions

The answer to this question is in part, due to the lens through which vision therapy has been viewed. While the world of optometry tends to view vision therapy very favorably, opthamologists have been slower to accept its efficacy. Vision therapy is meant to be practiced in a supervised setting by a qualified practitioner. And just like there are no cure-alls or treatment panaceas for any condition, the same can be said for vision therapy. Anyone who claims vision therapy can cure any ocular problem, does the specialty an enormous disservice. While vision therapy does not enjoy the same representation as other areas within the optometric landscape, that is changing rapidly.
Unfortunately, randomized trials of vision therapy did not take place until the 90s, despite the fact that by then, the practice had been around for several decades. There have also been long stretches of time in which diagnostic criteria have been less consistent than they are now. That has made data difficult to collect and disseminate.
Yes! There is a good deal of exciting research in the works including: The efficacy of vision therapy for patients with presbyopia (age related accommodation insufficiency) Studies on the mechanisms that allow for improvement in the symptoms experienced by vision therapy patients. A study of the physiological changes that take place after vision therapy How to develop vision therapy protocols that lead to even greater success rates
Evidence-Based Research of Vision Therapy

The Future of Vision Therapy

Vision therapy has been around for over 100 years and continues to develop at a rapid pace. As more and more research is conducted the benefits of vision therapy, both quantitative and qualitative, are becoming more apparent. And with greater funding from agencies like the NEI and the unwavering support and research of doctors like Mitchell Scheiman, OD, PhD, FAAO, vision therapy is sure to win a well deserved and coveted role in the world of vision care. To schedule a functional vision exam at PRACTICENAME please call 111-222-3333.

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