
Achromatopsia is an inherited condition that affects approximately 1 in every 33,000 Americans.

Achromatopsia in PRIMARYCITY

What is achromatopsia?

Achromatopsia is a rare genetic autosomal recessive disorder that is also known as total color blindness and complete achromatopsia. Basically, autosomal recessive disorder means that patients have received the abnormal gene from both parents and not just one. This condition presents with photophobia (eye discomfort in bright light), reduced visual acuity, nystagmus, and complete monochromacy (the complete inability to distinguish colors). In about 75 percent of cases, mutations in the CNGB3 and CNGA3 genes are responsible for the condition.

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In children, achromatopsia is typically first detected around six months of age because of symptoms of photophobia or nystagmus. With age, the nystagmus becomes less noticeable, while the other symptoms of the syndrome become more prominent. During the first six to seven years of life, visual acuity improves but remains around 20/200. Other than that, it does not worsen as a person ages and is considered stable.


There are two types of achromatopsia: complete and incomplete. Complete achromatopsia causes more severe symptoms than incomplete achromatopsia. Patients with incomplete achromatopsia only suffer color blindness and their visual acuity is affected whereas patients with complete achromatopsia suffer from total color blindness, nystagmus, photophobia, reduced visual acuity and hemeralopia.


Patients with achromatopsia are diagnosed through clinical and family history, visual acuity testing, color vision assessment, and fundoscopic examination. It may require additional tests such as optical coherence tomography (OCT), fundus autofluorescence, and electroretinogram (ERG). It may also require several color vision tests such as the Ishihara test.

Can I drive if I have achromatopsia?

Can I drive if I have achromatopsia?

Patients with achromatopsia usually have good peripheral vision, mild and stable vision loss, and are considered ideal bioptic driving candidates. However, patients with complete achromatopsia have problems with traffic lights, brake lights and reading certain colored signs. Many of these patients can now drive using bioptic telescopes with the help of red central contact lenses and modifications that make it easier for them to see traffic signals.

A bioptic telescope consists of a pair of glasses with a telescope attached above your normal line of sight. These can be attached to your regular eyeglasses and can be used either for one or both of your eyes. Bioptic lenses magnify images just like binoculars and help you see things better. Using these lenses allows you to see things that are much further away, which is one of their main benefits.


Speak to our low vision optometrist at PRACTICENAME

According to a global survey, 23% of children were incorrectly diagnosed with retinal or cone dystrophy prior to receiving an accurate diagnosis of achromatopsia. Over a period of more than five years, adults with achromatopsia typically see an average of seven healthcare providers. One-third of these individuals were initially diagnosed with retinal or cone dystrophy before being accurately diagnosed with achromatopsia. That is why it is very important to see our low vision optometrist as soon as you or your child start exhibiting symptoms that are listed above. Our low vision optometrists have specialized knowledge and experience in conducting eye examinations, maximizing the remaining vision and improving visual function of achromats. Call 111-222-3333 if you would like to schedule a low vision evaluation with our low vision optometrist. Patients with low vision visit our clinic from all over STATE, and we are proud to be a leading provider of low vision services for patients from CITY, SECONDARY1, SECONDARY2, and SECONDARY3.

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