Cataracts and Low Vision

Cataract occurs when the lens inside of your eye becomes cloudy due to proteins in the lens breaking down and obstructing your vision. There are various causes for this condition, but the most common is age. Cataract is so common above the age of 60 that approximately half of the American population age 80 or above have cataracts or have had it removed surgically. 

Cataracts and Low Vision in PRIMARYCITY

Cataract usually begins as a very mild, and sometimes unnoticeable, condition. However over time, cataract begins to affect daily functions and lifestyle and that is usually the indication that it is time to be treated. There is a very safe and effective surgery that removes the cloudy lens and replaces it with an artificial lens which provides clear vision. However, there are people who are not eligible to get the operation as it depends on your medical history, what stage of cataract you have and many other factors. If you notice a decrease in the quality of your vision which is affecting your daily living, please schedule an appointment so that your eye doctor can check the health of your eye and if you have developed cataract. You will be assessed if surgery is the right option for you. If you are not eligible for cataract surgery, there is no reason to despair. There is an entire field called low vision that can help you function using your vision that remains. Click here to Book an Appointment for a low vision eye exam today.

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What to Expect at a Low Vision Eye Exam

Low vision is a field devoted to finding solutions despite a visual impairment that is creating obstacles in the way you live your day to day life. When you come to PRACTICENAME for a low vision eye exam, will do a special eye exam that evaluates your remaining vision. You will discuss together which visual tasks you are finding challenging and will then work with you to find solutions that will enable you to accomplish what you set out to do. 

There are a variety of visual aids that can be extremely useful to help you see despite your cataract diagnosis. If you have a family member or caretaker who is instrumental in helping you with your daily needs, it is highly recommended that they attend the appointment as well. It will give them the opportunity to learn more about your visual impairment so that they can understand how it impacts you functionally, enabling them to support you more effectively.

Low Vision Aids for Cataract

Low Vision Aids for Cataract

After the low vision eye exam, will discuss various professional solutions with you using low vision aids. The visual aids range from simple household products, to special glasses and electronic devices. There are so many possibilities of low vision aids that can help you increase your quality of life and some examples will be discussed here. 

There are many different types of magnifying glasses, such as handheld, standing or spectacle form and they can assist you to zoom in on what you’re trying to read or work on so that you can see better. There are filters which can improve vision for a person with cataract by increasing contrast sensitivity and reducing glare. Even people who were able to undergo cataract surgery can still suffer from glare and special polarizing filters can help fix that. E-scoop glasses are a wonderful low vision aid for people who have early stage cataract as it includes many optical features that can help you reclaim your independence despite the vision loss you are experiencing. 

Common Questions

If you have cataracts and you feel that all doors leading to regaining clear vision have been shut due to the fact that you are not eligible for cataract surgery, we are here to open windows for you using low vision care. Despite your visual impairment, there are many solutions that can help you use your remaining vision in order to achieve tasks and enjoy daily life.
There are so many visual aids that have been created for your benefit and a low vision optometrist can help you find the best solutions for you and your lifestyle. Improving the lighting in your home or work space, under professional guidance, can dramatically increase your quality of life. There are also magnifying glasses and telescopes you can use to help you. There is something called E-scoop glasses which have different optical features that can enable you to see better in the early stages of cataract. A device called a CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) has been created to enable you to scan what you’re reading onto a screen and it offers various features, such as enlarging the text and providing better contrast. There is cutting edge technology that has been invented to help people with visual impairments be able to see what they previously struggled to see. Please don’t suffer alone, there are so many low vision tools that can help you reclaim your independence despite being diagnosed with cataract.
Cataracts and Low Vision


Cataract is a common eye condition which causes the transparent lens inside of your eye to turn cloudy, preventing clear vision. It is the leading cause for blindness worldwide, however there is an entire field of low vision dedicated to improving your quality of life by making visual tasks easier, despite your cataract diagnosis. To schedule a low vision eye exam, call 111-222-3333 or click here Book an Appointment . Patients with low vision visit our clinic from all over STATE, and we are proud to be a leading provider of low vision services for patients from CITY, SECONDARY1, SECONDARY2, and SECONDARY3.

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