Traveling with Low Vision: Our Low Vision Optometrist's Guide to a Seamless Journey

Low vision can make traveling by plane, bus, or rail challenging, but with the right preparation, it can be a safe and enjoyable experience. If you have low vision, it's important to plan ahead and consider your specific needs before traveling. Here are specific tips for each mode of transportation:

Traveling with Low Vision: Our Low Vision Optometrist's Guide to a Seamless Journey in PRIMARYCITY

Traveling by Plane With Low Vision

Request assistance: Most airlines offer assistance for passengers with low vision, including help with boarding, finding your seat, and getting off the plane. Contact the airline in advance to discuss your needs and make any necessary arrangements.

Pack essentials: Make sure to pack any low vision aids  /low-vision/visual-aids-and-devices/

 you use regularly, such as magnifying glasses, digital magnifiers, prism readers, or any other low vision aid that you use.  Consider bringing a small flashlight, as the lighting on a plane can be dim and lighting can make visual tasks even more difficult.

Request special seating: Consider requesting a seat near the aisle, with additional legroom, or close to the bathroom to make your flight more comfortable.

Pack smart: When traveling by plane it is really helpful to have your bags packed with the foreknowledge that you may  need to have access to certain things. For example pack your bag with any liquids or electronics easily accessible. Wear pants with easy to access pockets to enable you to easily reach travel documents or ID. 

Learn the layout of the airport before your trip: An easy way to improve your comfort during your travels is to look up the layout of the airport before going on a trip. 

Use highly identifiable items to mark your luggage: One of the most frustrating things for someone who is visually impaired is identifying their luggage from others that all look the same. Let’s face it, that is difficult even for those who have perfect vision. There are multiple ways of doing this, for example using brightly colored stickers or fabrics or using audible trackers. 

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Traveling by Bus With Low Vision

Request assistance: Many bus companies have policies in place to assist passengers with low vision. Contact the company in advance to discuss your needs and make any necessary arrangements.

Familiarize yourself with the bus: Before boarding the bus, familiarize yourself with the layout and location of the bathroom, exit, and emergency exits.

Ask for help: If you need help finding your seat or getting off the bus, don't hesitate to ask a fellow passenger or the driver for assistance.

Traveling by Sea With Low Vision

Traveling by Sea With Low Vision

Cruise vacations are sometimes a great option for someone with vision loss, as everything is easily accessible and provided on site. The ship offers a comprehensive experience, with dining, entertainment, relaxation and socialization options. All-inclusive deals, including airfare, can simplify the process but come at a higher cost.

Cruise companies can cater to various dietary requirements with prior notice. However, medical attention on board is limited to emergency care only.

Notify the cruise company in advance: Many cruise companies have special accessibility options available but ask for 30 days notice to ensure that those options are available. 

Ask for a tour of the boat: Many cruise ships will provide an orientation tour for passengers with low vision. 

Ask the cruise operator for additional information on resources that they have available: Many cruise companies will have devices available such as digital magnifiers, large menus, among other options. 


Speak To Our Low Vision Optometrist in CITY Before Traveling

Before traveling, schedule a visit with our low vision optometrist to make sure you are equipped with the tools to make your trip a success and to discuss any specific concerns you may have. With the right preparation and planning, you can make your travel experience a safe and enjoyable one. Our low vision optometrist can provide you with tailored advice and recommendations to help you navigate air travel, bus rides, and rail trips with confidence. Don't let low vision hold you back - let our optometrist guide you on your next journey. To schedule a low vision evaluation, please call 111-222-3333.

Patients with low vision visit our clinic from all over STATE, and we are proud to be a leading provider of low vision services for patients from CITY, SECONDARY1, SECONDARY2, and SECONDARY3.

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