Usher syndrome and vision loss

The number of Americans with Usher syndrome is estimated at approximately 25,000. While there is no cure for it, there are low vision devices and strategies that can improve visual function.

Usher syndrome and vision loss in PRIMARYCITY

What is usher syndrome?

Usher syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects both hearing and vision. It causes an eye condition known as retinitis pigmentosa (RP). 

Retinitis pigmentosa occurs when the retina deteriorates over time, causing a gradual loss of vision. When a patient is diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, they become 'night blind,' meaning that they cannot see in dim light at first. Their visual field becomes progressively smaller over time, eventually leading to tunnel vision (similar to looking through a straw).

While there is no cure for this condition, there are ways that can help prevent progression, as well as make daily life easier for you.

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How can low vision devices enhance your quality of life?

Low-vision device may be helpful for you if you have Usher syndrome, particularly retinitis pigmentosa. You can maximize your remaining vision with the help of low vision aids and vision rehabilitation services. You can maintain your independence by using low vision assistive devices prescribed by our low vision optometrists so that you can read, write, navigate maps, watch television, walk safely around your home, drive and recognize the faces of your loved ones. 

Following are a number of low vision devices you can use to cope with vision loss from retinitis pigmentosa, including:

  • The use of bioptic eyeglasses could enable you to view TV and computer screens from a distance. Additionally, you can use these eyeglasses to drive and see traffic signs from a distance
  • Reading, writing and using your smartphone screen is easier with hand-held and stand magnifiers with illumination
  • By wearing prisms, people with side vision loss (loss of peripheral vision) can perform daily activities like driving more safely.
  • With prismatic lenses, it's possible to read close-up and do many other hand-held tasks such as using a computer or a phone.
  • Tinted lenses can be used to reduce glare, improve contrast, and improve visual function.
  • There are also a variety of digital devices that can improve visual function
What are the different types of Usher syndrome?

What are the different types of Usher syndrome?

Type I

Children born with type I of Usher syndrome begin to lose their vision as a result of Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP). It appears during pre-adolescence (around age 10).

Type II

In this type, vision loss typically occurs later (in teens and young adults) and progresses more slowly than in Type I.

Type III

Children born with Type III usually begin to show symptoms during their teenage years. Vision loss varies in severity from individual to individual.

Common Questions

Usher syndrome is a genetic condition. Therefore, the gene change must be passed down from both parents. Those who inherit the changed gene from one parent do not have the syndrome, but are carriers. Children born to two Usher syndrome carriers have a one-in-four chance of developing the syndrome.
Usher syndrome affects about 4 to 17 out of 100,000 babies, and it is the underlying cause of deafness in 3% to 6% of all deaf children. A gene that causes this disease must be carried by both parents in order for you to inherit it.
Usher syndrome and vision loss


If you wish to maintain your independence every day and do the tasks you wish, such as reading, using a computer, or your smartphone, cooking, or walking safely, our low vision optometrist can help you find the best low vision device for your needs. After a low vision exam, we will prescribe the best advanced low vision aids to maximize your vision. Patients with usher syndrome visit our low vision clinic from all over STATE, and we are proud to be a leading low vision provider in , SECONDARY1, SECONDARY2, SECONDARY3. You can schedule a low vision evaluation with our low vision optometrist by calling at 111-222-3333.

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