Understanding photophobia in mTBI patients

Photophobia or photosensitivity, is one of the more common conditions associated with a traumatic brain injury, experienced by approximately 50% of patients.

Understanding photophobia in mTBI patients in PRIMARYCITY

One of the most common symptoms reported after a head injury is photophobia or light sensitivity. This is experienced both by those who have had a serious head injury (TBI or traumatic brain injury) as well as a mild head injury (mTBI). 

Mild TBI (mTBI), which is typically defined by Glasgow Coma Scale score ≥ 13, accounts for the vast majority of all TBIs, particularly in the setting of sports-related injuries. The Glasgow Coma Score is a method for assessing the patient's extent of consciousness after a traumatic brain injury.

At our specialty eye care center we provide advanced care for patients who experience light sensitivity following a stroke, concussion or neurological condition. We are proud to provide cutting edge neuro optometric rehabilitation services to patients from all over STATE, and we are proud to be a leading provider of neuro-optometric rehabilitation services for patients from CITY, SECONDARY1, SECONDARY2, and SECONDARY3.

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What are the most common symptoms and conditions you may experience following a mTBI?

A mTBI can result in a variety of visual complications. These are some of the most common visual-related conditions and symptoms:

  • Oculomotor dysfunction
  • Convergence insufficiency
  • Accommodative dysfunction
  • Dry eye
  • Photophobia
  • Visuo-spatial disorientation
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Sleep disorders
  • Photophobia, or photosensitivity, is one of the more common conditions associated with TBI, experienced by approximately 50% of patients.
  • The reduced peripheral field (also known as collapsed fields) is another common mTBI symptom.

The conditions described above are in some way related to one another. There is a link between convergence problems and accommodative problems, for example. Another example is headaches and photophobia. Post Traumatic Vision Syndrome was described by William V. Padula, OD, as a cluster of vision and spatial disorders that affect people who have suffered a neurological event, such as a traumatic brain injury, a cerebral vascular accident, multiple sclerosis, or another neurological disorder.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms and conditions following a traumatic brain injury, you don't have to suffer any longer. It is possible to alleviate these symptoms with a customized neuro-optometric rehabilitation plan and continue to do your everyday tasks without difficulty and sensitivity to light. To schedule a neuro-optometric evaluation, please call 111-222-3333.

What is the connection between light sensitivity and traumatic brain injuries?

What is the connection between light sensitivity and traumatic brain injuries?

Photophobia is closely linked to pain sensation. It is the trigeminal nerve and its nuclei that are responsible for sensations of pain in the head. Several parts of the eye are densely innervated with trigeminal fibers and sensitive to pain, including the conjunctiva, cornea, sclera, and uvea (iris, ciliary body, and choroid). Photophobia is usually caused by painful stimuli to these areas (e.g. corneal abrasion, iritis, uveitis).

Common Questions

In some cases, photophobia may be temporary and resolve on its own or with treatment. In other cases, it may be a long-term or permanent condition. Since there are a variety of causes for light sensitivity it is very important to schedule a neuro optometric evaluation to fully understand what is causing your symptoms.
Some people find relief from photophobia with home remedies such as using artificial tears, wearing sunglasses or a hat to block out bright light, or taking breaks from screens and other sources of artificial light. However in most cases these home remedies are not adequate to solve the issue. When you schedule a neuro optometric evaluation we spend time assessing the root cause of your light sensitivity as well as discussing the various treatment options such as binasal glasses and specialized filters. It is important to note that home remedies are generally not effective for everyone and are not a substitute for proper medical treatment by an eye doctor.
If you are experiencing photophobia and it is severe, persistent, or causing discomfort, it is important to see a neuro optometrist. You should also see a neuro optometrist if you are experiencing other symptoms that may be related to an underlying condition, such as eye pain or changes in vision. In many cases light sensitivity can be remedied by using filtered lenses or binasal glasses, these is a fairly simple solution and does not require a major investment, we highly recommend scheduling a neuro optometric evaluation to treat your light sensitivity.
Understanding photophobia in mTBI patients

Schedule a neuro optometric evaluation near you

If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury and has been suffering from light sensitivity or any of the above listed visual conditions, please schedule a neuro-optometric evaluation with .


To schedule a neuro optometric evaluation, please call 111-222-3333. Those who have suffered a traumatic brain injury and have been suffering from visual conditions visit our clinic from all over STATE, and we are proud to be a leading provider of neuro-optometric rehabilitation services for patients from CITY, SECONDARY1, SECONDARY2, and SECONDARY3.

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