Eye Emergencies

Eye Emergencies in PRIMARYCITY

Eye Emergencies

There is a wide range of eye emergencies which can be the result of a variety of causes and it is important to know what to do and what not to do in case of emergency.

If you are experiencing an eye emergency please visit the page below for more information on what to do. We always recommend calling if you have an eye emergency, to make sure that you are taking the proper precautions.


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There is such a wide variety of causes and conditions associated with eye emergencies and each one comes with its own symptoms. If you experience any of the following symptoms, especially suddenly, try to get an immediate appointment with your eye doctor and if that is not possible, seek urgent care from your nearby emergency room:

  • Sudden loss or change of vision
  • Double vision
  • Pupils appear to be different sizes
  • One eye is protruding outward
  • One eye is not moving like the other
  • Pain or burning sensation in the eye
  • New or severe headaches
  • Spots (known as floaters) in your field of vision, accompanied by flashes of light

Common Questions

Find out if there is a nearby eyewash station specific for this kind of emergency. If you work in an environment where there is a risk of chemicals reaching your eyes then there must be an eye washing station and you should be taught how to use it when you begin working. If there is an eye washing station, make sure to open your eyes wide using your fingers to keep your eyes open and flush out your eyes with water for approximately 20 minutes. If you are not located in a place with an eyewash station, find clean lukewarm water and flush out your eyes for around twenty minutes. Before washing your eyes, make sure your hands are clean and do not contain any chemicals. If you’re wearing contact lenses and they did not come out when flushing your eyes, then carefully remove your contact lenses. After washing your eyes, please proceed to go to the nearest emergency room and do not wait. If you have a container of the chemical that got in your eyes you can bring it to the hospital. Also, if there are sunglasses readily available, it is recommended to wear them to help with light sensitivity. The healthcare professionals at the hospital’s emergency room will treat your eye properly and prevent any further damage.
First of all, be aware of your surroundings and the activities you are partaking in. Make sure to understand the relevant risks to your eyes and find out the best way to stay safe. In general, if there is any chance of your eyes being in danger, it is recommended to wear protective eyewear such as goggles. Please make sure the protective gear fits properly and is as comfortable as can be.
One of the common misconceptions about an eye emergency is that you are better off visiting an urgent care or emergency room. The truth is that an optometrist has the most advanced equipment and extensive training and experience to treat the most common eye emergencies. Call us for an emergency eye exam for: Chemicals in the eye Scratched eye (corneal abrasion) Something stuck in the eye Severe eye pain Eye infections Blurry or double vision Red eye Inflammation or discomfort Crusty or inflamed eyelids Flashes or floaters Eye strain Ocular migraines Itchy or burning eyes Sensitivity to light Small cuts in the eye (minor corneal lacerations) A Small amount of blood in the eye Black eye Eyelid lacerations If you are unsure what to do, the best advice is to call our office and ask, you can reach us at 111-222-3333. If we are not available by phone to find out what to do, you should immediately visit an emergency room or urgent care center for the following symptoms: Black spots Repeated flashes of light such as bright spots, streaks of lightning, or shooting stars in the corner of your eye Curtain-like disappearance of vision Deep cut to your eye Bleeding that flows out of the eye and is not stopping Severe injury/trauma to the eye Severe eye pain Sudden loss of peripheral (side) vision Sudden vision loss in one eye After visiting the emergency center you should also always see an eye doctor after suffering an eye injury in order to decrease your chances of developing permanent eye damage.
Eye Emergencies


Eye emergencies can occur due to various causes and each situation has its own symptoms. If you are experiencing an eye emergency please make sure to get care right away. You can go to call our office at 111-222-3333 to see if our eye doctor is available to see you immediately, otherwise go to the emergency room where they are also trained to deal with any type of eye emergency. Patients with eye emergencies visit our clinic from all over STATE, and we are proud to be a leading provider of urgent eye care for patients from CITY, SECONDARY1, SECONDARY2, and SECONDARY3.

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