Exotropia: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options

Exotropia is a form of strabismus, or eye misalignment, in which one eye turns outward away from the other eye. It is a relatively common condition that can occur in both children and adults, and may be present all the time or only intermittently. Exotropia is caused by a disruption in the normal control of eye movement, which can occur due to a variety of factors. Our optometrists are trained to diagnose and manage exotropia, and can help patients with this condition to achieve better eye alignment and improved vision.

Exotropia: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options in PRIMARYCITY

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Understanding Exotropia: Symptoms and Impact on Your Vision

Exotropia can cause a wide range of symptoms that can affect the patient's vision, daily activities, and self-confidence. Take our online visual skills assessment to help identify if you or your child has a potential visual deficit that may be interfering with success in the classroom, work, or sports /vision-therapy-specialty/vision-and-learning-quiz/ 

Here are some common symptoms of exotropia that patients may experience: 

Eye misalignment: In exotropia, one or both eyes turn outward, causing the eyes to be misaligned. This can result in a noticeable cosmetic defect, making the individual appear as if they are looking in two different directions. Eye misalignment can also cause many of the symptoms listed below. 

Double vision: Exotropia can lead to the development of double vision or diplopia. This occurs when the eyes are unable to fuse the images from both eyes into a single image, causing the patient to see two images of the same object. Take our online double vision assessment to help identify if you may have an underlying vision problem that is causing diplopia (double vision) /neuro/double-vision-quiz/ 

Eye fatigue: Patients with exotropia may experience eye fatigue due to the constant effort required to align their eyes. This can cause headaches, eyestrain, and difficulty reading or focusing for extended periods.

Loss of depth perception: Exotropia can also lead to a loss of depth perception or the ability to judge the distance between objects accurately. This can affect the patient's ability to engage in activities such as sports, driving or operating machinery.

Head tilting or turning: To compensate for the misalignment of their eyes, patients with exotropia may develop the habit of tilting or turning their heads in an attempt to align their eyes. This can lead to neck pain or discomfort.

Squinting or closing one eye: In some cases, individuals with exotropia may squint or close one eye to avoid double vision or to align their eyes. This can cause the affected eye to become weak or lazy, leading to a condition known as amblyopia.

Poor eye contact: Exotropia can also cause patients to avoid eye contact or maintain eye contact with others due to the embarrassment of having a visible cosmetic defect. This can lead to social isolation or a lack of self-confidence.

Eye strain and discomfort: Patients with exotropia may experience eye strain or discomfort due to the misalignment of their eyes. This can be particularly noticeable when trying to focus on near objects.

Fatigue: Patients with exotropia may feel fatigued, particularly after extended periods of reading, writing, using a phone or computer, or other visually demanding activities.

Sensitivity to light: Patients with exotropia may be more sensitive to bright lights or glare, particularly when the eyes are misaligned.

Difficulty with night vision: Patients with exotropia may experience difficulty with night vision, particularly when driving.

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to seek the help of our functional optometrist. A functional eye exam can help diagnose exotropia and other vision problems, leading to early intervention and management of the condition. Please call at 111-222-3333 to schedule a functional eye exam.

Diagnosing Exotropia: How Functional Optometrists Diagnose this Vision Condition

Diagnosing Exotropia: How Functional Optometrists Diagnose this Vision Condition

Diagnosing exotropia involves a comprehensive eye examination, including a detailed patient history and various clinical tests. Optometrists that specialize in functional vision perform a more in depth examination if symptoms or signs of exotropia exist. Some of the diagnostic tests we would perform include:

Cover test: This test involves covering one eye at a time to observe the eye's movement and any deviation when it's uncovered. It can help to identify whether the eye turns outward when uncovered, indicating exotropia.

Ocular motility exam: This exam evaluates the movement and alignment of the eyes when following an object. It can help to identify the type and severity of exotropia.

Refraction test: This test measures your visual acuity and any refractive errors that may be causing exotropia or exacerbating the condition.

Binocular vision assessment: This exam evaluates your ability to use both eyes together and can help to determine the level of binocular vision impairment caused by exotropia.

Hirschberg test: This is a screening test that uses a light to assess the position of the eyes. The test is performed by shining a light in your eyes and observing the reflection of the light on the cornea. If the reflection is not centered, it may indicate that the eye is deviated and exotropia may be present.

Krimsky test: This test is similar to the Hirschberg test but involves using prisms to determine the angle of deviation.

Maddox rod test: This test uses a special lens called a Maddox rod to determine the angle of deviation and the direction of the eye's movement.

Worth 4-Dot test: This test evaluates your binocular vision and can help to determine the severity of the exotropia.

Stereopsis test: This test evaluates your ability to perceive depth and can help to assess the level of binocular vision impairment caused by exotropia.

In addition to these tests, we may also assess your overall eye health and rule out any underlying conditions that may be contributing to exotropia.


Schedule a functional eye exam in CITY for exotropia

If you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms of exotropia, don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with our experienced optometrists for a functional eye exam. Our team will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs and goals. 

No matter the size of your exotropia angle, we can help manage and deal with it. Schedule a functional or developmental eye exam with our optometrist at PRACTICENAME by calling 111-222-3333. Our clinic welcomes patients with eye alignment issues, like exotropia, from all over STATE. We are a leading provider of functional vision and vision therapy services for patients in CITY, SECONDARY1, SECONDARY2, and SECONDARY3.

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