Eye Strain and Blue Light

The following article addresses digital induced eye strain and effective remedies for improving the condition; while also considering whether the use of “blue light glasses” are effective

Eye Strain and Blue Light in PRIMARYCITY

What is Digital Eye Strain?

Also known as "Computer Vision Syndrome", this condition occurs from sitting for extended periods of time in front of a computer screen or while using other digital or electronic devices such as tablets, TV, e-readers, and smartphones. When we have excessive exposure to digital screens, we have a tendency to blink less, which increases the strain on our eyes. Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to reduce or eliminate these symptoms.

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What is Blue Light?

Blue light is part of the visible light spectrum emitted by the sun. Proponents of blue light glasses argue that they can reduce the effects of this exposure which they maintain is harmful, causes ocular strain, and impairs sleep. 

Is there any merit to this claim?

Symptoms or Conditions Related To Computer Vision Syndrome

Symptoms or Conditions Related To Computer Vision Syndrome

Common symptoms from excessive exposure to digital screens include:

  • headaches
  • discomfort
  • difficulty with sleep

Fortunately, with proper corrective measures these are only temporary effects. There is no evidence that long-term exposure causes ill effects on vision or overall optical health.

Common Questions

There are many studies from reputable organizations that find no evidence to support such claims. By following several of the suggestions listed in this article, you will likely reduce your discomfort. Of course, if such discomfort persists, schedule an appointment with a reputable optometrist.
Yes. Smartphones do emit blue light, although the overall amount of light emitted by a cell phone is very minimal. When we go outside during the day our eyes are exposed to tens of thousands of lux of light, lux is a measurement of light that is experienced at the point of measurement. Sunlight is full spectrum, which means that it includes parts of the spectrum of visible light known as High Energy Visible (HEV) Blue Light. When you use your mobile phone the amount of blue light emitted is a tiny percent of the blue light that we would be exposed to by spending a few minutes outside during the day. There is some evidence that suggests that blue light is harmful when exposed at night or close to sleep, particularly a Harvard study that showed that blue light exposure impacts our circadian rhythm, which regulates our bodies production of melatonin and therefore our sleep. While the amount of blue light emitted from a cell phone is probably far too little to impact the health of our retina, it may be harmful to our sleep and therefore detrimental to our overall health. Many phones have a night mode that automatically reduces the level of blue light emitted, this is always a good idea when looking at mobile devices at night. While the science of blue filtering lenses is still undecided, many optometrists are of the opinion that the potential benefits are worth the extra caution. Note that not all blue filtering lenses filter out the same amount of blue light or the same frequencies, speak with our optometrists about the best options for your needs.
Eye Strain and Blue Light

Treating Computer Vision Syndrome

Blue light is part of the visible light spectrum, and most of our exposure to it comes from the sun. Most experts reject the claim that it causes eye strain and that special protective glasses can reduce these effects. There is no conclusive evidence to prove these assertions or to suggest that special glasses can reduce these symptoms. By adopting better habits, you can reduce these effects, without resorting to buying glasses whose purported efficacy is questionable and unproven. Contact us today to find out more about how to reduce and prevent eye strain. You can schedule an eye exam with our eye doctor by calling 111-222-3333. Patients searching for advanced medical eye care visit our clinic from all over STATE, and we are proud to be a leading provider of medical eye care services for patients from CITY, SECONDARY1, SECONDARY2, and SECONDARY3.



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