Pediatric Eye Exams

Pediatric Eye Exams in PRIMARYCITY

The Importance of Pediatric Eye Examinations for Children

Comprehensive pediatric eye examinations are critical for monitoring vision and overall eye health in children.

A pediatric eye exam is more than a simple screening, it is an assessment of your child's visual function and development and eye health including:

  • Eye diseases and disorders
  • Infections
  • Evidence of visual-motor, cognitive, and neurological deficits. 

An accurate description of visual strength not only takes acuity into account but our ability to gather and process visual information. A child may have "perfect" vision but struggle with optometric deficits that affect learning. Studies show that most vision problems that affect learning are not caused by poor eyesight. In many instances, there is nothing wrong with the visual system. Often, issues related to visual-motor or cognitive-developmental delay can be detected during such examinations.

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Vision Development

While fundamental stages of visual advancement take place in infancy and toddlerhood, it is possible to develop these skills in young adulthood and beyond. They are important for monitoring conditions that might affect learning in school which can lead to stress and anxiety. Vision is crucial for learning and development for the following reasons:

  • More than 85% of our brain is linked to vision
  • It is the brain’s fastest and most effective way of processing information. 
  • The early development of visual skills and neuroplasticity allows children to meet age-related visual demands as they get older.  As new nerve pathways are developed, they have a greater chance of being visually on par with their peers. 
  • It allows children to develop critical skills needed to process what they read, learn, and how to interact with the world around them.

Who is at Risk For Eye Disorders?

Although certain populations are at greater risk for developing eye disorders than others, it is important to remember that child development is very individual and must be treated as such. All children should be evaluated for eye disorders even if they do not seem to be at risk.

Individuals at particular risk include those who with:
  • Neurological or developmental challenges
  • Autism
  • Downs Syndrome
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Genetic disorders
  • Were born prematurely
  • Present with a family history

Knowing What to Look For Problems with Visual Perception

A child who struggles with visual perception will often struggle with mastery of any number of tasks. That is why it is important to recognize the signs that suggest the presence of a deficit, particularly if they have:

  • Poor handwriting
  • Difficulty in copying from a whiteboard
  • A tendency to omit or re-read words
  • Poor reading comprehension
  • Difficulties with letter and number reversals, such as confusing “b” with “d”.

Emotional Symptoms of Visual Perceptual Problems

The emotional effects of having a visual perception problem can be devastating. The inability to perform well in school often leads to low self-esteem and can lead a child to think they are stupid, causing them to lose the motivation needed to succeed. Being able to identify signs of emotional distress is critical, particularly if a child exhibits:

  • Signs and symptoms of depression or stress
  • Extreme irritability or temper tantrums
  • A short attention span
  • Difficulty focusing on tasks

Common Questions

The challenges for a pediatric eye exam depend on age, maturity, and temperament. Depending on the child, an exam can seem scary, tedious, boring, etc. Many pediatricians are wonderful with children and they are trained to deal with different types of children using humor and friendliness to make the exam more fun. Do your research to find practitioners with excellent reputations working with children. Additionally, prepare your child before the exam.
Problems include squinting, eye-rubbing, headaches, blurry vision, needing to sit near the board, etc.
Neither a school vision screening nor a pediatric screening is sufficient for assessing overall ocular health. They are rudimentary tools for identifying possible problems to be followed up with an optometrist.
Most exams follow a similar layout in terms of tests performed. There is a visual acuity test, retinoscopy, refraction, external exam, slit lamp, and a dilation. These tests center around clarity of vision, retinal health and general eye health.
You should schedule an eye exam with a pediatric eye doctor to assess the aspects of visual development that are not assessed at a routine eye exam. Furthermore as a child starts reading it is critical to identify if there are any visual processes that may impact school performance. Since so much of learning is visual it is our recommendation that you do not wait for symptoms to present before taking your child for a pediatric or developmental eye exam, rather you should assess your child's vision by a pediatric optometrist around the time they enter into first grade. If your child has had a pediatric or developmental eye exam and nothing was identified, they can then go for a comprehensive eye exam at the time table recommended by the optometrist (usually every 2 years if your child does not need glasses or annually if they do). If your child has pre-myopia or myopia (nearsighted) they should visit a pediatric optometrist to begin myopia management, which is a specialized contact lens or eye drops that slow down the rate of progression of myopia. This is extremely important as studies show that myopia that progresses to -5 or worse increases the risks of serious eye disease by as much as 2200 percent later in life.

Pediatric Eye Exams Are Important

There are no substitutes for routine pediatric examinations to monitor and maintain overall ocular health to detect eye disorders and visual motor neurological deficits. Contact us to find out more. You can schedule an eye exam with our eye doctor by calling 111-222-3333. Patients searching for advanced medical eye care visit our clinic from all over STATE, and we are proud to be a leading provider of medical eye care services for patients from CITY, SECONDARY1, SECONDARY2, and SECONDARY3.



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