Common Worksite Eye Emergencies

There are a variety of eye injuries and conditions that can occur in the workplace and it’s important to be aware of potential hazards and to take the appropriate precautions.

Common Worksite Eye Emergencies in PRIMARYCITY

According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), around 2,000 American workers sustain a job-related eye injury each day that requires medical treatment. In most of the cases, the patients report that they were not using safety eyewear at all. On other occasions, the protective gear either did not fit properly or did not offer the right amount of protection to the individual. It is strongly recommended that individuals wear proper protective eyewear, such as goggles, to reduce the probability of eye injuries. This safety gear is not just for prevention but can reduce the severity of eye injuries.  

Some of the most common causes of worksite eye injuries include chemicals and foreign objects in the eyes which can cause a scratch in the eye, known medically as a corneal abrasion. Other common causes include burns due to exposure of ultraviolet rays or fluids splashed in the eye.

Certain professions present higher risks for contracting eye infections, such as healthcare professionals, custodial staff or people who work in a laboratory. The mucous membranes in the eye are a major source of transmission of an infection. It usually happens when the eyes come in direct contact with blood, when there is touching of the eye with an object or fingers that are contaminated, or through droplets of coughing. 

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) makes it mandatory for organizations to provide the right protective eyewear, face shields, goggles or safety glasses for workers who are at risk for eye injuries. Full face respirators can also assist in reducing the probability of an eye hazard. The right type of eye protection typically depends on the potential hazards, working conditions, vision needs and the type of exposure that the workers are set into. 

If you are experiencing an eye emergency, please seek urgent care immediately from a nearby emergency room in order to receive the proper diagnosis and treatment which can prevent further damage.

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Potential Eye Hazards at Work

According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), educating employers and employees about all types of risks is critical to avoid eye injuries and strain on the eyes in the workplace.

You need protective eye gear if your workplace involves any of the following hazards:

  • Mining
  • Electrical work
  • Construction 
  • Manufacturing of goods in factories or other industrial locations
  • Carpentry 
  • Auto repair works
  • Welding jobs
  • Plumbing works
  • Provision of maintenance services

Common Questions

Wearing contact lenses does not usually increase the possibility of an eye injury, but it also does not guarantee any protection from the eye hazards that are posed by the workplace environment. In workplaces where chemical fumes are emitted, consult with a professional as contact lens safety should be judged on a case-by-case basis. The safety benefits of contact lenses can include providing a better field of vision compared to eyeglasses. Individuals with high-powered lenses are even less likely to have visual distortions when they wear contact lenses. Also, contact lenses allow for easy fitting of protective eyewear on top. Before you plan to wear contact lenses in your workplace, check the safety policies of the organization. Reach out to your eye doctor to find out if wearing contact lenses at the workplace is a good idea. A discussion with the employer, along with your eye doctor could prove to be very beneficial for the safety of your eyes.
Whether working from home or in the office, you are prone to computer vision syndrome. If you are spending a significant amount of time in front of your digital devices without taking a break, you can easily suffer from eye strain. The 20-20-20 rule is an initiative to prevent digital eye strain. The American Optometric Association recommends taking a 20-second break from looking at the screen every 20 minutes. During these 20 seconds look at something 20 feet away. Giving your eyes the proper break they need from digital screens can help reduce and prevent eye strain.
Work related eye injuries can cause temporary or permanent vision loss. You can reduce the severity of an eye injury by using the eyewash stations with the right fluid availability and delivery system. If you got dangerous chemicals in your eye, use the emergency eyewash stations immediately before seeking emergency medical care. The first few seconds after exposure are critical so do not delay flushing out your eye. It is important for the employees to understand when to use the eyewash station, the process of reaching the station, activating it and flushing out the contamination. The right way to rinse the eye is to open both the eyes with the fingers and thumb to allow the fluid to reach every corner of the eye. This process should be repeated continuously for fifteen minutes. After the rinsing is done, the employee should be taken to the emergency room and medical treatment should be given.
A recent study found welding light exposure, drilling/cutting accidents, and contact with chemicals or other substances to be the leading causes of work-related eye injuries. While the issue of preventable eye injuries at work is mentioned in workplace safety training, this issue seems to be underestimated or neglected both by employers and employees. Wearing properly fitted, reliable, protective eyewear with good visibility, and strictly following its instructions, can greatly reduce the risk of work-related eye injuries.


There are so many various worksite eye emergencies that can take place. Be aware of your surroundings and the potential hazardous risks to your eyes so that you can take the proper precautions to prevent eye injuries and be prepared what to do in case of emergency. If you think you are experiencing an eye emergency, do not delay and go straight to the nearest emergency room for proper diagnosis and safe treatment. Patients with eye emergencies visit our clinic from all over STATE, and we are proud to be a leading provider of urgent eye care for patients from CITY, SECONDARY1, SECONDARY2, and SECONDARY3.

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