What is Lazy Eye?

Lazy eye, referred to medically as amblyopia, is a condition when there is a decrease in a person's eyesight due to a lack of proper development of the visual system early on in life. The weaker eye which is nicknamed the ‘lazy eye’ is misaligned and it wanders inwards or outwards. This condition almost always occurs in only one eye, but there are rare cases where both eyes can have amblyopia. Children generally tend to develop a lazy eye anywhere from birth up until around age 7.

What is Lazy Eye? in PRIMARYCITY

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When to See the Optometrist

It is recommended by the American Optometric Association that all children have an eye exam at six months and then at age 3. During this visit the optometrist will diagnose if there is a lazy eye or any other eye conditions. Due to the visual needs in a classroom, all children are recommended to have a developmental eye exam before starting first grade, this will help identify issues that may impact their ability to read and learn. 

If you notice that your child’s eyes appear to be crossed, any time after an infant is a few weeks old, it’s important to schedule an eye exam so that the optometrist can diagnose if there is amblyopia. Moreover, if there is a family history of childhood eye conditions such  as having a lazy eye or cataract in childhood, it’s highly recommended to have your children scheduled for an eye exam. After the initial visit, the optometrist will recommend how frequent your child should come for routine eye exams. 



A lazy eye occurs when one eye is receiving less visual signals, rendering it the weaker eye. This leads to a lack of cooperation between the eyes and eventually the brain starts to suppress, or ignore, the visual input from the lazy eye.

There are different reasons why the lazy eye receives less visual signals and the most common ones are:

  • That the eyes are crossed, or misaligned, known medically as strabismus
  • Refractive reasons, which means it’s due to the patient’s optical prescription - this could either manifest as a lazy eye if the patient has very high nearsightedness or farsightedness or if one eye has a stronger prescription than the other so there is a significant difference in the prescription between both eyes
  • There is an obstruction that is preventing the lazy eye from receiving visual signals properly, for example a droopy eyelid (ptosis), cataracts, or corneal scarring. 

Common Questions

The American Optometric Association recommends that babies receive an eye exam at six months old and then toddlers at age three. After that, the child should go for an eye exam at least every two years, but the optometrist will recommend how frequent the routine eye exams should be, depending on the child’s family and medical history. Furthermore it is recommended that children entering into school should have a more thorough developmental eye exam to assess for aspects of the visual system that can impact learning and reading.
The optometrist will perform a comprehensive eye exam which will include using eye drops to dilate the child’s pupils. During the eye exam the optometrist will check for: A wandering eye Poor vision in both eyes or a significant difference in vision between both eyes Eye health If the eye exam is being performed on an infant or a child who cannot speak, the optometrist will use a flashlight or other interesting targets to check if the child can focus on the target and follow it while it moves. If the child is able to speak, the optometrist will use pictures or letters to check for visual acuity.
What is Lazy Eye?


A lazy eye occurs when the eyes are not properly working in sync, causing one eye to dominate while the other becomes weaker until the brain eventually ignores the visual input from the ‘lazy eye’. The good news is that there’s very good treatment options so it’s important to have your child checked for a lazy eye to ensure that the proper diagnosis and treatment can be provided. Please schedule an appointment at our office for your child’s developmental eye exam, especially if the child has risk factors for developing a lazy eye. If you notice anything unusual about your child’s vision or that one eye is wandering in or out, please make sure to come see the optometrist. Early detection of a lazy eye yields better treatment results so please don’t wait to book an appointment at our office.

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